This morning, I opened the top of the fish tank to feed the fish and PANICKED when I saw an alien slug forming on the underside of the lid! It looked like this: To my relief, I learned from Caylen and a quick Google search that it is not in fact an alien slug…and to… Read more »
Category: Preschool
Balfour Visit
We took a small group of students to Balfour today and it was so lovely! The children enjoyed the fancy decorations and were so willing to talk to the residents. We talked about our names and ages and met Miss Ruthie who was 103! We also sang some songs and built towers. It’s so important… Read more »
Fun with the Buns!
This week the preschool has been spending time visiting and getting to know our bunnies. These visits are an amazing opportunity for us to discuss our limits surrounding the bunnies and the ways that we can behave that helps our bunnies remain calm and feel safe. Some limits that the students came up with before… Read more »
Working Through Feelings with Play

Wood takes a rough spill as he tripped on the edge of the sand box as he was running to the wood chips. Cassie the preschool teacher offered to pick him off the ground, and Wood refused her help and laid down a little further over. A preschool student and Henry noticed that Wood was… Read more »
Pond Plan

After a plan was made at meeting to continue working on the hole/pond at the bottom of the slide, Cha Cha helped the workers and swimmers create agreements around how to use it. “I hear people saying they do not want to be splashed.” “Hey everyone, it’s okay if we let the boat float around… Read more »

A conversation about the Giraffe “Why do giraffes have long necks?”-Student “Hmm… I don’t know, why do you think?”-Cassie “I don’t know.”-Student “Well, I do know something about giraffes that might help us figure this out… Do you know what giraffes eat?”-Cassie “Leaves!”-Student “Yeah, that’s right, they do eat leaves, and where to do leaves… Read more »
Music Room Visit

Logan, Alexander, and Blaze went to the toddler building to find magnifying glasses for a bug hunt. They couldn’t find any, but they did see that the door to the music room was open and rushed in to play the instruments. They took turns well so that everyone got to play the instruments they wanted… Read more »
Alphabet creatures

This week, we worked on making an entire alphabet to hang in our writing area. Some people were interested in the circles, filling them in with different materials and colors. Others liked the idea of turning them into creatures (it’s an A for alien!), while others were interested in the sensory aspects of gluing, sticking,… Read more »
Learning Letters

The children cycled in and out of the studio on Tuesday to work on letter forming and recognition. Cassie made pages of the child’s choosing (their name, for example), and then the kids decorated them using do-a-dot markers, glue, and items from the tinker tray. This was a really fun way for some children who… Read more »

Rebekah brought in honeycomb this week she found this past weekend. After comparing and contrasting the honeycomb to a wasp nest, and using hexagons to explore the shapes of the nests, she shared an idea to watch a video about bees. We set up our new projector and everyone squeezed in to the mini moosh… Read more »