Our preschool group is a maximum of eighteen children ages 2 1/2 to 4 1/2 with three teachers, for a student to teacher ratio of six to one. Preschoolers may attend half-days or full-days, with a minimum of two days, and parents have the option of adding before or after school care. Children are not required to be potty trained. The Preschool program combines with the Kinder program in the afternoons for an opportunity to work with an even wider age-range of peers.
Preschool Environment
The preschool is in the small yellow house and has many different wondrous spaces for intentional work and play. There is also a huge outdoor area with a giant tree for shade and the biggest sandbox you’ve ever seen!

Some fun quotes from Patchwork children:
Maggie (age 3): What in the heck in the world?
Elise (age 3): I sneaked up on two cookies!
Sam (age 5): I was in God when dinosaurs were alive.
Oscar (age 4): Garage sales are “when a human sells toys to another human.”
Jack (age 4): I have news that’s kinda bad, but it needs to be told. Pirates Park is under construction.Cameron (age 3): Tricky is fun!
Schedule Options
Our Summer Session starts in June and goes until Early August, we do not offer before or after school care in the summer. Our School Year Session begins Mid August and continues thought the end of May.
- Half Day is 9:00am – 12:30pm
- Full Day is 9:00am – 3:10pm
- Before School Care is offered every day from 8:00am – 9:00am
- After School Care is offered every day except Wednesdays from 3:10pm – 4:10pm
Tuition Rates
Preschool 2024–2025 Tuition Rates
Registration Fee is $225 for new students and $150 for returning students. The summer Registration Fee is $50. These fees are not pro-rated for mid-year starts, however the tuition payments are pro-rated.

I appreciate that any feedback/concerns/conversations I have brought in this year to the teachers, have always been addressed and checked in on. I appreciate all the teachers dedication to the Patchwork philosophy and students! I appreciate how hard you all work for the school and the community of staff, teachers, parents, and children! I feel community at Patchwork constantly. Daily the teachers and staff make our family feel welcome, supported, and part of a greater community. I also feel like I have had the opportunity to create community with other parents through events, outside social gatherings, social media, etc.
Kelly (parent, 2019)