
Paper Circles, Hole Punchers and Glue Sticks

Patchwork Preschool Circles

This looks like a caterpillar. And the caterpillar ate all the leaves! Yeah, and it made all the holes in there. I need sprinkles. How do you make the sprinkles? I know how. I need help. Cupcake delivery! These are cupcakes because it’s my birthday. Look at my cupcake. It’s so big! It’s a stack… Read more »

Crab Apples are Fun to SMASH!

Patchwork Toddlers Crab Apples

We collected many of the fallen crab apples and then used the wooden play-doh hammers to smash them. It was quite satisfying!


Patchwork Preschool Volcano

Last week, two students had the idea to build a volcano. This week we followed up on that plan by making one out of paper mâché and wire, painting it red “like lava”. It then became a prop for dramatic play—this is the dinosaur’s birthday cake volcano! After building the volcano, some of the kids… Read more »

Fresh Herb Play-doh

Patchwork Toddler Herb Play-doh

A sensory extravaganza! We smelled and tasted the herbs, we smooshed them into the play-doh, we rolled the play-doh flat and made “pizzas,” we stuck the herbs into the play- doh and made “trees.”

Galaxy Slime

Patchwork Preschool Galaxy Goop

“It’s so goopy!” “We are making a slime puddle See all this slime?” “And there are diamonds in there.” “Whooooooooooaaaaaaaaa.” Recipe: Ratio of 1 Tablespoon of fiber supplement with Psyllium Husk to 1 cup of water and 1/3 cup black paint. Mix together these ingredients and heat on the stove or microwave until goopy consistency… Read more »

Paper Recycle Factory: Part 1

Paper Recycling Factory

Last week, we started a real life recycle project, cutting up scrap paper into tiny pieces in order to eventually turn it into new, whole paper. This week, we moved on to the next steps of paper making: turning it to mush. After ensuring all the pieces of paper were small enough, we added water,… Read more »

Punching Bag Proprioception

Punching bag proprioception

Children are constantly exploring and testing how their bodies, strength, and actions relate with the world around them. This is called proprioception, and is still being developed in young children (hence all the trips, falls, and no fear type craziness children sometimes exhibit). This also contributes to why children hit and push: combine lack of… Read more »

Paper, scissors, glue, and hole punchers

Many people had ideas today to make things out of paper—a city, a rain forest, and paper airplanes were the starting points. For some, the focus was more on process: mastering the open and shut motion of scissors, slipping the sticky glue over the paper, and squeezing hard to make the hole punchers chomp through… Read more »

The sensory bin

Toddlers at sensory bin

  The sensory bin was filled with beans, seeds, lentils, and scoopers this week. As the children explored their new space, many of them came back to the sensory table to run their fingers through the materials, scoop and dump, or fill cups and shake them. Throughout the school year, the sensory table will be… Read more »

K-12 Pet Committee Update

Leela is researching animals for the new class pet. She has created a list of pros and cons for each animal pet care committee has come up. She is going to present her research to her classmates at the next pet care committee meeting